Tag Archive: Law Office Management

Faster Than Your Desktop Network Setup

A new user recently told us they were amazed at how fast GoMatters delivers the information they need. They were skeptical about speed in the cloud, as many customers are at first. After a few days into their trial account, they decided to choose GoMatters because it was faster than their desktop on their office […]

Law Practice Management Software for Mac

You just can’t take all those windows machines at your firm anymore… you’re done. You’re swearing off “Ctrl Alt Delete” for the rest of your professional legal career. You’ve decided to hang your shingle and you’re going to take your Mac with you. We feel your pain. In fact, that same feeling of disgust is […]

Law Office File Structure Logic

We receive a great deal of signups from users who are starting their own firms and are looking for advice on setting up a logical file structure for their law office. On the other end of the spectrum, we have users who have been practicing for years and face the challenge of converting an existing […]

3 Email Don’ts For Your Law Practice

Don’t Use Background Themes Or Wallpaper Nothing screams “I have no mastery of email, I just like pretty things” better than background themes or wallpaper in email. Having a nice pretty background on your email does nothing to show your prowess as a skilled litigator and legal technology innovator. It just shows you like pretty […]

3 New Year’s Resolutions For Your Law Office

Another new year is upon us and you’ve surely already laid down your traditional #1 New Year’s resolution for your law office: Make more money. Where’s the fun in that resolution? New Year’s resolutions are supposed to be something that make you fight to continue something you really didn’t want to do in the first […]

Conflict Checking For Lawyers

Conflict checks can be simplified with proper contact management. Managing contacts for a law firm is not just about keeping up to date addresses, emails and phone numbers for clients. The successful lawyer needs to manage as much information about the client as possible including the matters in which a contact has had a role. […]

File And Case Numbering Systems For Your Law Office

Most law firms use an inefficient file and case numbering system. File and case numbering systems vary from office to office and usually have the year the file was opened as a sensible starting point. Law offices tend to use the year as a starting point because it is an easy, logical starting point, but […]

Skype Contact Integration For Your Law Office

GoMatters is excited to announce full Skype integration for all of your GoMatters contacts. Now save even more time using GoMatters for your law firm’s contact management by one clicking contact numbers to dial out on Skype. That’s right, don’t pick up the phone. Just click contact numbers and let Skype do the rest. All […]

How To Change The Default Email Client For Your Browser

GoMatters provides clickable contact email addresses that will open your default mail application with a blank email form. Users using Gmail or some other web based email should set their browsers to open the email address links in Gmail instead of their desktop email client. Firefox To set Firefox to open email address links in […]

Text Message New Tasks To Users

GoMatters has added SMS capability for sending tasks via text message to users. To use the new service, login and update your user information by clicking on the “Users” link in the main app sidebar. Add text messaging numbers for users in their “SMS” cell (double click cells to open). Make sure text messaging numbers […]