Version 4 has been pushed to all locations/devices and the reception has been overwhelming! Thanks for your support, we look forward to continuing to improve on our product and hope GoMatters makes your practice more efficient and profitable. We will be following with a few tutorials in the next couple of days for some of […]
You just can’t take all those windows machines at your firm anymore… you’re done. You’re swearing off “Ctrl Alt Delete” for the rest of your professional legal career. You’ve decided to hang your shingle and you’re going to take your Mac with you. We feel your pain. In fact, that same feeling of disgust is […]
We are excited to announce the full release of GoMatters Billing and Case Management Version 2.0 to all of our users. Version 2.0 has a ton of great features that will be explored more in later posts, but here’s a quick overview of some of the enhancements: Completely redesigned UI to show all matters, contacts […]
GoMatters is happy to officially add certification and support for Google Chrome for Mac or Linux to our list of compliant browsers. Many of our users are Mac happy lawyers and it will be interesting to see how many of those users begin to use Google Chrome. It seems most Mac users are content with […]
“Cloud Computing” is the buzzword du jour for technophiles, but what does it mean to you as a lawyer and how will it help your law office in the future? First things first… what is cloud computing? To understand cloud computing, you first need to know about “the Cloud”. Breaking it down as simply as […]
Let’s Talk About Costs Believe it or not, many law office still embrace the old method of case management: paper, folders, and file cabinets.  Lots of them. It’s not that law office software hasn’t been available for years, because it has.  And while we admit that some office are simply afraid of converting, we think […]