We recently received this email from one of users:

I just wanted to drop you a quick note because I was so happy with myself! Well, okay, myself and GoMatters. I needed to contact a client quickly to tell them that a court date was still on for tomorrow and that they needed to attend the court date.

I got off the phone with opposing counsel and was already looking at my “Events” tab in GoMatters with tomorrow’s date docketed. I selected the event and pressed the “View Matter” button which flipped me over to my “Matters” tab and pulled up all of my contacts for the matter in a split second with their phone numbers staring me in the face. I got my client on the line quickly and advised him of the court date.

My client asked me to email him the address for the court. I did one better by getting a Google Maps link for him and pulling his email from my GoMatters “Contacts” tab and firing out the email before we got off the phone.

Thanks for a great product. I love to look good in front of my clients.

So how do you use GoMatters? Send us a note and let us know your best tips and tricks.