A good calendar is the backbone of any law office. A calendar app for lawyers should be able to support not just one individual lawyer, but every member of the lawyer’s staff from secretaries to paralegals to private investigators if need be. A good calendar app for lawyers should also move and adapt to each lawyer’s office management style. The calendar app needs to push events to multiple devices and maintain all of those users, events and devices without syncing. Too much to ask for, right?
Not at all. A great calendar app for lawyers that could be used on both iOS, Android and desktop systems was one of the driving forces behind the development of GoMatters and we lead the way as the premier cloud based calendar app designed by lawyers, specifically for lawyers.
CalDAV is a calendar protocol supported by iCal, iPhone, iPad and other iOS devices and allows you to manipulated your office calendars in the native calendaring applications for those devices. CalDAV support is one of the things that makes GoMatters the best calendar app for lawyers. GoMatters calendars can also be accessed through Android devices supporting CalDAV using one of the many CalDAV apps available on Google Play like Smooth Sync for Cloud Calendar.
You can view and edit your GoMatters calendar on any device that supports CalDAV. You don’t need to be logged into the GoMatters application to view your calendars that are being pulled by supported devices so the calendar can be used offline. Once you’re back online, your calendar will update with your main GoMatters calendar.
GoMatters also supports internet calendar subscription for clients who cannot access a calendar through a CalDAV enabled device. Internet subscription calendars allow a subscriber to view calendar events, but internet subscription calendars are read-only and events cannot be added or edited.
Accessing your GoMatters calendar in your favorite device’s native application makes it easy to get updates to your calendar while on the move. The next time your at court and need to know your available dates for the next trial date in a matter, just pull out your iPhone, open the calendar app and scan your entire office calendar in a second. The calendar is perfectly in sync with your main office calendar! All events added back at your office by your secretaries automatically update across all phone or tablet devices associated with your GoMatters account. Once you have that new trial date, add it on your phone and it shows up on the main calendar back at the office. Managing your law office calendar in the cloud will help you and staff keep everything in sync with less effort.
Learn more about How to sync calendars with CalDAV